
Return label

return label

New OUDA overseas warehouse provides cross-border sellers with services such as goods return, re labeling, packaging, etc. after completion, it will provide customers with services of FBA warehouse.

The warehouse staff are familiar with Amazon's return rules and warehousing rules, and will provide services in strict accordance with Amazon's warehousing standards. The warehouse will quickly process bid replacement and packaging after receiving customer instructions. The processing time limit is 3-5 working days, so that your products can regain value again and avoid goods loss.

  • 1. The customer establishes a removal order and sends the products that need to be changed to the new ODA overseas warehouse

  • 2. The warehouse receives the package, registers the arrival information, and feeds back to the customer

  • 3. The customer issues instructions to the warehouse according to the feedback of arrival information

  • 4. The warehouse operates according to the instructions, and the operation time limit is 3-5 working days

  • 5. Packing after processing, and returning the packing data to the customer

  • 6. The customer establishes a plan in Amazon according to the packing list and provides the shipping mark

  • 7. The warehouse will send the replaced goods back to the FBA warehouse

海外仓Return label优势
  • Avoid overstocking

    With the return and label replacement, the seller does not have to worry about the backlog of goods in the FBA warehouse. After the label is replaced, it can be warehoused again and then put on the shelves again, without adding additional costs.

  • Realize multi platform store management

    The new OUDA overseas warehouse supports the seller's delivery and service on multiple platforms; After changing the label, the product can be sent to other platforms of the seller for sales, and the seller can develop more platform businesses.

  • Save logistics service fee

    The returned products can be put on the shelves again after the bid change, so that the goods do not need to be returned to China, or destroyed and distributed, so as to minimize the logistics loss for the seller.

  • Systematic and process management

    Systematize and process such operations as bid change, packaging and return to avoid the problems of counting errors, bid change errors and wrong goods delivery caused by traditional pure manual operations, resulting in the customer account being associated.

Focus on providing high-quality overseas warehouse services


Contact information

  •    Phone/WhatsApp:+8615112618596 
  •    Mail:may.li@newouda.com
  •    Address:深圳市宝安区新安六路华丰金融港20楼
  •    Official webstie:www.newouda.com


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